calibration laboratory for pressure gauges, mass, weights, flow meter, dimension, scale, glass wares
Calibration laboratory provides calibration of instruments for pressure gauges, flow meter, pipette, mass, weights, calibrated weights, glass wares, burettes, torque wrenches, gauge, vernier caliper, scales, gauges, test sieves, vacuum gauges

NCQC - Traceability Download

Following are our instrument traceability you can download as per traceability system certificate No. given in your calibration certificate (NCQC system certificate No written left bottom corner on last page of calibration certificate) this traceability download by below link. For getting any other instrument calibration traceability, send us request at e-mail [email protected] with NCQC system certificate No. and calibration due date of reference instrument.

Traceability: Dimensional Instrument

226_ LMM_020323 to 020325 42_Profile Projector_221223 to 211224 98_Slip Gauges set_170923 to 170925
14_Grantite Surface Plate_070824 to 060825 350_Optical Parallel_090923 to 080925 351_ Optical Parallel_090923 to 080925
155_Tape & Scale_020923 to 010924 265_Angle Gauge Block_271023 to 261025 45_Internal Microcheker_110923 to 100925
285_Digital Micrometer_191223 to 181224 286_Digital Caliper_191223 to 181224 292_Electronic Probe With DRO_300923 to 290924
08_Surface Plate_290823 to 280824 229_Master Setting Ring_230923 to 230925 38_Thread Measuring Wires_130323 to 120324
20_Depth Micrpochecker_040124 to 030126 365_Standard Foils_271223 to 261224 09_Steel Length bar_090124 to 090126
151_length Bar_271023 to 271025 135_Length Bar _220622 to 220624 215_graduated glass Scale_030623 to 020625
216_Eye Piece of Glass Scale_030623 to 020625 120/1_Cylindrical Mandrel_231223 to 221225 120/2_Cylindrical mandrel_231223 to 221225
15_Master Cylinder_081022 to 071025 223_Measuring Tape_060323 to 050324 266_Electronic Level_100623 to 090624
11_Dial calibration Tester_060323 to 050324 12_sin bar_290823 to 280824 16_granite surface plate_080823 to 070824
24_standard foils_130923 to 120924 84_steel slip gauge_280923 to 280925 129_1_master seting ring_230923 to 230925
216/1_Glass Scale_030623 to 020625 228/1_master seting disc_260923 to 260925 228_master seting disc_260923 to 260925
264_gauge blok_271023 to 271025 356_taper test manderal_021023 to 021025 373_dial indicator_060623 to 040624
377_v blok_140623 to 130624 397_plain ring gauge_240423 to 230424 400_granite surface plate_230623 to 200624
401_bench centre_140623 to 130624 407_measuring pin gauge_060623 to 040624 410_plain ring gauge_150723 to 140724
442_length bar_130323 to 120325

Traceability: Mass & Volume

262_E1 Class Weight box_140324 to 130327 357_E1 500 g. Weight_200822 to 190825 358_E1 1000 g. Weight_200822 to 190825
359_E1 2000 g. Weight_200822 to 190825 361_F1 1000 g. Weight_260423 to 250424 273_Weights(F1 Class)_200223 to 190224
279_Weights(M1 Class)_200223 to 190224 145_Digital Mass Comparator_130124 to 120126 116_Weighning Balance_210223 to 200224
36_weight box_200223 to 190224 76_digital weight balance_210223 to 200224 78_digital weight balance_21023 to 200224
79_digital weight balance_210223 to 200224 119_tungsten carbide slip gauge_170923 to 17025 271_ref weight box_220223 to 200224
272_digital weight balance_220223 to 200224 290_digital weighing balance_220223 to 200224 360_ref weight box_220822 to 190824
368_viscosity solution_s6_010324 to 010326 369_viscosity solution_n14_080324 to 080326 370_viscosity solution_n44_080324 to 080326
371_viscosity solution_s60_080324 to 080326 372_viscosity solution_N100_080324 to 080326 447_viscosity solution_080324 to 080326

Traceability: Thermal

335_Digital ThermoHygro_050723 to 050724 398_4 Wire RTD with indicator_20-09-2023 to 19-09-2024 435_4 Wire RTD with indicator_19-09-2023 to 18-09-2024
280_S’’Type Thermocouple with Indicator_10-01-2024 to 09-01-2025 443_Infrared Non Contact Pyrometer_11-03-2023 to 10-03-2024 195_Infrared Non Contact Pyrometer_24-09-2023 to 23-09-2024
427_4 Wire RTD with indicator_24-02-2024 to 23-02-2025 381_Temperature Data Logger With Sensor_14-03-2023 to 13-03-2024

Traceability: Electro–Technical

32_Decade Resistance Box_020923 to 010924 270_High Resistance Jig_050124 to 311224 50_Digital Calibrator Attached With Proximity Switch _30-11-2022 to 28-11-2024
141_Multifunction Calibrator_29-02-2024 to 28-02-2025 374_Digital Timer/ Stopwatch Calibrator_220324 to 110325 374/1_ Digital Timer/ Stopwatch Calibrator_07-10 to 13-10-2023 to 12-10-2024
424_ Digital Timer/ Stopwatch Calibrator_27-02 to 04-03-2023 to 03-03-2024 260_Multi-Product Calibrator_28-02to 03-03-2023 to 03-03-2024 269_H.V.Probe With Digital Multimeter_01-03-2023 to 28-02-2025
30_Master Stop Watch_22-05-2023 to 26-05-2024 281_Digital Vibration Meter_11-01-2024 to 09-01-2026 43_6 ½ Digital Multimeter_10-01-2024 to 09-01-2025
30/1_Digital Stop Watch_16-08 to 23-08-2023 to 28-02-2025 296_Universal Calibrator_14-03-2023 to 13-03-2024 17_Multi-Product Calibrator_14-06-2023 to 13-06-2024
153_ Phase Online Energy Meter Calibartor_04-03-2023 to 03-03-2025 144_digital indicator_020322 to 030524 283_precision ltr meter_030723 to 290624
317_tem humi data loger_220223 to 190224 318_tem humi data loger_220223 to 190224 319_tem humi data loger_230223 to 210224
320_tem humi data loger_180223 to 160224 321_tem humi data loger_180223 to 160224 322_tem humi data loger_180223 to 160224
323_tem humi data loger_180223 to 160224 324_tem humi data loger_180223 to 160224 337_tem humi data loger_180223 to 160224
338_tem humi data loger_180223 to 160224 339_tem humi data loger_180223 to 160224 340_tem humi data loger_180223 to 160224
341_tem humi data loger_180223 to 160224 342_tem humi data loger_200223 to 170224 343_tem humi data loger_200223 to 170224
344_tem humi data loger_200223 to 170224 345_tem humi data loger_200223 to 170224 346_tem humi data loger_200223 to 170224
347_tem humi data loger_200223 to 170224 348_tem humi data loger_200223 to 170224 348_tem humi data loger_200223 to 170224
382_tem humi data loger_200223 to 170224 396_tem humi data loger_220223 to 190224

Traceability: RPM

55_Master Digital Tachometer_16-09-2023 to 15-09-2024 29_Master Digital Tachometer_04-09-2023 to 03-09-2024

Traceability: Pressure

299_Digital Pressure Gauge_27-06-2023 to 27-06-2024 268_Digital Pressure Calibrator _01-12-2023 to 01-12-2024 300_Digital Pressure Gauge_14-09-2023 to 14-09-2024
298_Digital compound Gauge_27-06-2023 to 27-06-2024 62_Dead Weight Tester_04-12 to 05-12-2023 to 04-11-2028 238_ Digital Pressure Calibrator_01-12-2023 to 01-12-2024
301_ Digital Pressure Gauge_27-06-2023 to 27-06-2024 66_ Digital Pressure Gauge_26-07-2023 to 26-07-2024 39_ Digital Pressure Gauge_13-07-2023 to 12-07-2024

Traceability: Acoustic

82_Digital Lux Meter_29-12-2021 to 28-12-2024 80_sound lavel meter_150323 to 140324 219_Pilot Tube Anemometer_08-11-2018 to 07-11-2024
68_sound lavel calivbrator-240223 to 010524

Traceability: Force & Torque

152_Torque Wrench Calibration System _04-03-2023 to 03-03-2024 152/3_Torque Wrench Calibration System_04-03-2023 to 03-03-2024 241/3_Load Cell_03-03-2022 to 03-05-2024
241/4_Load Cell_03-03-2022 to 03-05-2024 152/4_Torque Wrench Calibration System_060323 to 050324 241/6_Load Cell_05-02-2022 to 05-04-2024
241/5_Load Cell_05-02-2022 to 05-04-2024 241/1_Load Cell_17-06-2023 to 17-08-2025 241/7_Load Cell_25-02-2022 to 25-04-2024
152/2_Torque Wrench Calibration System_04-03-2023 to 03-03-2024 241/2_Load Cell_28-02-2022 to 01-05-2024

Traceability: Flow

352/1_Digital Flow Meter_01-09-2023 to 31-08-2024 352/5_Digital Flow Meter_01-09-2023 to 31-08-2024 352/2_Digital Flow Meter_01-09-2023 to 31-08-2024
352/6_Digital Flow Meter_01-09-2023 to 31-08-2024 352/3_Digital Flow Meter_01-09-2023 to 31-08-2024 352/4_Digital Flow Meter_01-09-2023 to 31-08-2024